Thursday, December 01, 2011

Tribute to UK miners

8.0 Wrexham Mines Rescue Chalk and Light

Flame as an Early Fire Detector in Mines

Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Mining.mpg

Tour Exhibition Coal Mine & Museum

5.0 Wrexham Mines Rescue Station - - The Blue Plaques

"Welsh coal mines" Dani.bora's photos around Cardiff, United Kingdom (un...

carbide lamp.wmv

Olympic Torch Relay in Sooke, BC Canada

Miner safety lamp ignited with taser

Mine Safety Lamp 1973

Protector Lamp & Lightning Co Ltd

Protector Lamp Servicing

Protector Lamp Servicing 2

7.0 Wrexham How safety lamps were made ready for underground

How to light a Protector SL Workmans Lamp

Many Thanks.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "LIGHTING AN SL ??????????? HELP":

I did it!! At last. Using two 2 volt 25 Ah lead battery's :)
Now I just need to find a filament that can do more than 3 ignitions....

Documented here: